
Prepare Yourself For IBPS PO 2020


The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection will soon release the IBPS PO exam notification 2020 at their official website. Aspirants who are planning to appear for the upcoming IBPS SO 2020 examination are advised to kick start their preparation soon.

A large number of candidates appear for the IBPS PO Examination and hence the competition remains high. Therefore, it is important to have a clear idea about the IBPS PO Syllabus and exam pattern to get a better understanding of the level of examination.

 The IBPS PO exam is conducted in three phases:

  • IBPS PO Prelims
  • IBPS PO Mains
  • IBPS PO Interview

The preliminary exam consists of one paper of 100 marks divided into three sections.

The IBPS PO syllabus (Prelims) covers the following subjects:

  • English Language
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • Reasoning Ability

Given below is the exam pattern for IBPS PO Exam:

IBPS PO Prelims Exam Pattern
SBI PO Prelims Subjects Maximum Marks Number of Questions Duration
English Language 30 30 20 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 20 minutes
Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 minutes
Total 100 100 60 minutes

IBPS PO Exam Pattern for Mains

Sections Number of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude 45 60 60 minutes
General Awareness 35 40 35 minutes
English Language 35 40 40 minutes
Data Analysis & Interpretation 35 60 45 minutes
Total 155 200 3 hours
Letter Writing & Essay 2 25 30 minutes

Study tips for IBPS PO 2020

Given below are some of the preparation hacks for IBPS SO Exam 2020:

  1. Proper distribution of IBPS SO syllabus

Candidates are advised to distribute the entire syllabus so that they can cover every topic within the stipulated time. Candidates are also advised to give more weightage on the important topics. Candidates can also take up IBPS PO Mock Tests to understand their strengths and weaknesses.

  1. Attempting IBPS PO Mock Tests & Previous Year Papers

Practising the mock tests and IBPS PO question papers will help the candidates in boosting their confidence. It helps in improving the speed of the candidate. The more regular a candidate attempts the mock tests, the more he/she will enhance his speed.

  1. Read Daily Newspapers & Current Affairs Topics

Reading the newspaper every day will help the candidate to be familiar with the latest general awareness topics.

  1. Learn Important Formulas And Tricks

Candidates are advised to make a separate notebook to list down all the important formulas and topics. Regular revision of these formulas will help the candidate to score well in the IBPS PO exam.

How can  IBPS PO Mock Tests help in scoring good marks?

IBPS PO Mock Tests plays a major role in apprehending the performance of the candidates and also helping the candidates to understand the type of questions asked in the IBPS PO exams.

IBPS PO Mock Tests are important because of the following reasons:

  • It also helps candidates to ascertain the difficulty level of the actual exam.
  • The IBPS PO online mock tests are in line with the latest IBPS PO Syllabus and help to revise and practise the whole syllabus.
  • Taking up these mock tests regularly gives a clear idea about the IBPS PO exam pattern and helps in boosting the confidence of the candidates.
  • Candidates can identify the particular topics they are weak at by taking the free online mock test for IBPS PO.

IBPS PO mock tests thus help in improving the speed, time management and accuracy of the candidates. Also, the candidates are advised to solve IBPS PO Previous Year papers regularly as it helps in developing strategies to attain maximum accuracy and avoiding negative attempts.

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