
Business Cards: What should you have on it? Do you feel that matters?


As the number of businesses is increasing, the competition in the industry is expanding too. You can find a great rush of people striving to get the edge. Amidst a lot of efforts and so much of creativity; what are you doing for getting ahead of your competition? You know what apart from the extensive and huge strategies; you should also invest in the small yet really effective strategies like visiting cards.

 You know a good business or visiting card is not only a tool for giving your data out to prospects but a golden chance to connect with a fresh prospect on a personal level. For that reason, good visiting cards will never be replaced by any of those digital networking instruments at your disposal, because digital instruments do lack the human factor of the equation.  So, you should speak with Visiting card printing services and get yourself visiting or business cards right away.

You know a great and powerful business card is an extension of your business that conveys the correct information about who you are and what you actually do in a memorable, robust, and meaningful way.  It would be good if you begin with a high quality business or visiting card template or custom design that gets you the right foundation to construct from. With a great design in hand, you then have to customize it and adding chief details to your card. The point is what type of information should be there on business card?

Well, following are a few business card tips that you can use to transform your cards from a scrap piece of paper that folks throw in the bin the moment they get it, to a powerful connection mediator that draws prospects to your company like that of needles to the magnet.

Tagline and logo

Before you even start to think about what information goes on the business cards you have, you need to make sure you encompass your tagline and logo. As an extension of your business, your business or visiting card needs to express your business identity (via the colours, shapes, and words it features) to audiences.

Anybody holding your business card between the fingers should be in a position to identify your brand and instantly get familiar with wherever they could see it in the future as well, be that on the website, your portfolio, the newsletter, or even that of a brick-and-mortar shop or studio.

Name and Job Title related to function

Looks obvious, don’t you think so? But you are going to be surprised how many people get such a thing wrong. First the name, you have to mention the name on the card that is official and that you are used to hear. Don’t get any pet name or the short names on your card. The name has to be one that is recognized and you know it when someone calls you with the name.

Then what about your job title? As an entrepreneur, freelancer, or small business owner you almost certainly wear many hats in your business. Which one do you give on your business cards? You have to use the one that showcases your main function in the business where wherein function means the work prospects could hire you to do.

You know what it is really lame to give vague information on your card. There are many visiting or business cards that simply have the name of the person and the designation like CEO. Come on, that is not enough. How would the receiver get to know what exactly the businessman does? There has to be specification about the functionality of the person.  Okay in case you want to keep your position credentials on the visiting or business card you have, do so after the functional title.  In this way there would be sufficient information on the card for the reader to know what exactly you do.

Contact Information

Contact information is undoubtedly the meat of a business card. In case you wish people to contact you, you have to inform them how. But which of all your contact related information you should include? The main word to keep in mind here is direct.

By the nature of getting passed on from hand to hand, business cards do form a personal connection between you and that of the prospects. You don’t really wish to break that connection by catering the prospects a generic [email protected] email or that of a general phone line wherein they have to go via a digital menu and four different operators before getting to you.

On the other end of the range, however, you don’t really wish to go as personal as to give your home number wherein your child might answer the phone, or your personal email ID hosted It would be too unprofessional. You have to be careful about the contact details you put therein. It is always better to have your details there that you would directly answer to respond to.

And yes, if you are a creative person like a photographer, musician, an artist, a writer or so on; you can also give contact details of your networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, blog or even Instagram and so on. But make sure that you put the information there regarding the platform that you use the most. You cannot simply have everything on there.

White Space

This white space is absolutely important and it receives its own tip on the list. How many times have you been handed a business card that was absolutely brimming with information it made you instantly feel nauseous just seeing it? Remember, the purpose of business cards is not to overpower prospects but to invite them to link up with you. And clutter never invites anyone. Here White space does not need to be the shade white of course. It only means there has to be empty on your card so that the prospect can breathe.


Thus, if you are going to place visiting card online order, make sure that you keep these things in mind. After all, only a nicely made visiting card is effective and not simply any piece of paper!

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