Important Facts About Acalabrutinib

Acalabrutinib is an anti-cancer agent whose main function is to inhibit the protein synthesis and growth of cancer cells in the tumor tissue. Although not approved by FDA for CLL yet, promising experimental clinical trial data has led to a recommendation by physicians to add acalabrutinib to the treatment options for patients with relapsed CLL.
Now, in order to evaluate the safety and the benefits of Acalabrutinib(ACP-196) in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), several important questions have been addressed. Here are answers to these questions that will help healthcare professionals decide if and when to prescribe Acalabrutinib for patients with CLL.
What are the possible effects of acalabrutinib when taken in combination with other medications and with headaches? The only possible side effects observed in clinical studies conducted in healthy volunteers are transient mild headaches and nausea. This is a slight benefit relative to the benefits of the drug, however.
The researchers admitted, however, that the data on the subject was preliminary and that more research was needed to confirm the results. For instance, it has not yet been established whether the drugs affect long-term suppression of the immune system in patients taking them.
How do patients with CLL control headaches with Acalabrutinib?
In healthy subjects, patients reported that the use of acalabrutinib prevented the occurrence and alleviated the intensity of migraine headaches. When the drug was administered alone, no such benefits were noted. It is, therefore, concluded that combining acalabrutinib with other anti-CLL therapies can provide relief to migraine headache patients.
What are the possible interactions between Acalabrutinib and anti-cd20 monoclonal antibodies (anti-CLL)? Like other medications in the anti-CLL family, the combination of Acalabrutinib and other CLL medications may produce unwanted outcomes. Monoclonal antibodies are anti-cancer agents that target cancerous cells (anti-cancer).
They are commonly used in combination with chemotherapy (the treatment of cancer) and with anti-inflammatory drugs (anti-inflammatory). Anti-CLLs are also being investigated as potential agents in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Because anti-CLLs have antioxidant activity, they may act in synergy with acalabrutinib to prevent its harmful side effects.
What are the possible effects of Acalabrutinib? One of the more common side effects of Acalabrutinib is pronounced dryness of the mouth. This may not be associated with other side effects of the drug, such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, changes in vision, changes in blood pressure, shortness of breath, joint and muscle pain, itching, taste disturbances and fever. If the patient experiences any of these symptoms, they should immediately contact their physician. These symptoms are generally mild and are easily treated.
Based on its effectiveness and safety profile, Acalabrutinib is recommended for long term and recurring use in the treatment of patients with frequent migraine headaches. It is also indicated for short term use in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome and specific syndromes of alternating periods of light and sound, called tardive dyskinesia.
Acalabrutinib like Regorafenib at is available without a prescription in the UK and Europe, but is not approved by the FDA for use in the US. The patient assistance program for this drug is provided to assist patients in choosing a reputable provider for treatment. It can also be purchased over the counter in the United States and Canada.