


Well a new year is waiting just round the corner and everyone is just as excited to welcome it. New Year brings new hopes, new decisions, and of course a fresh new year, that is, 365 new days and 365 new opportunities. The two most talked plans related to new year are; New Year Eve plan and the New Year Resolution. The latter is planned by most of the people around the world. If we actually start taking them seriously and positively we may end up living a better life. All we need to do is choose our resolution  wisely.The first question that comes in our minds is whether people actually success in the resolutions?


Hmmm, an interesting question. On the first day of the year,  most of the people around the world make a resolution. But unfortunately only 8 percent out of them are successful to stick to it at the end of the year. One of the reason behind it’s failure iscarelessness. People don’t take their new year resolution seriously. Some just do it for the sake of attention and to show off in front of their colleagues and friends.

The most common and old resolutions are; quit drinking, getting fit, joining gym, saving money and Party Venues

But the possibility of its success is always rare. If you are a person who loves doing things the new way and hate the old fashion resolutions, you must choose unique resolutions. In this world of Internet, social media, selfie craze, you can take resolutions like spending less time on social sites; socialising with people physically rather than keeping the screen as a medium to do so; get a good amount of quality sleep; enjoy little things around you. Social media addicts can try taking resolutions like take less selfies, take out some time for yourself and your family.

If you love travelling, you may even decide to explore new places, go on a road trip, go trekking and travel to places you have never been to. Also, we all have made a bucket list. So one can also try to cut the list short this year by fulfilling your wishes. The shopaholics can plan to reduce the amount they spend on shopping. The miser ones can keep their ‘Save Money’ policy aside and try spending it a bit in this coming year. Bookworms, readers can plan on reading more books than the previous year. And if you are a fan of a particular genre, try reading other genre books this time. People who love buying books can take a resolution to get a first edition of every book. The people who are always late and lazy can make it their goal to be punctual and try their best to complete stuffs on time. Learning a new useful skill, adopting a pet, quitting a bad habit can also be included in the new year resolution.

The youngsters can decide to play outdoor games rather than spending time on their cell phones, video games or play stations. You may also plan to study harder and increase your GPA; set your goals for your future; get involve in social work, learn a new language.

For some people, new year resolution is just for fun. They show that these resolutionsthey make at the beginning of the year are going to change their life, but the inner them know they are going to fail. If you want to make resolution just to break it and if it’s failure doesn’t affect you, the first and foremost resolution to take is to avoid meeting people who ask you about your resolution. The judgemental people can try to stop judging people or at least reduce it to an extent. The person whose room is always  a mess can dare to keep it neat and tidy from this year.

New Year resolution ideas can also bestarting meditation practice, spending time with their loved ones, working hard, helping others, visiting an orphanage or an old age home. Spreading smiles on others faces and spending your time with others can make this world a better place to live.

If you want to break the chain of your ‘New Year resolution failure’ this year, remember the following things.

Keep it simple

Know your capability and choose your resolution. Make sure that you choose a resolution that you can complete. It doesn’t matter if it’s a easy one, what matters is that you are going to be successful in sticking to it.

Plan it

Plan the completion of the resolution properly. Set deadlines. Boost up your confidence and be firm on your decision of completing it.

Make it official

Who doesn’t like showing off their new year resolution? This will not only let people know about your resolution but also increase your confidence level. Also, your closed ones can keep you reminding about your goals and encourage you. Get latest deals for New Year at!

After all it should be a win and win situation for you. Happy New Year!

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