The Importance Of Car Seats For Infants and Toddlers

Safety devices are a golden standard for vehicles. Car seats for infants are not just good-to-have safety devices but a must-have baby essentials. Going by statistics, on road traffic accidents, it’s safe to say that car seats for infants and toddlers can play a major role in reducing the number of infant deaths and injuries.
A Look at How Infant car seats work: When riding in a car, your body moves at the same speed as the car. If the car comes to a sudden stop, your body keeps on moving at the same speed. The only way you would be kept safe from hitting your head on something or you being thrown out of the window, is if you were restrained to the car seat. Just like the car seat belt, the car seat works to keep your child fixed in their seat.
Infants are very delicate as their bones are still quite weak, hence they can be severely hurt even with the slightest hit. The belts and the harnesses in the car seats ensure that your child stays in place not to hit anything.
There are many misconceptions out there about car seats. For instance, many parents feel that their arms can form a way more potent safety device than these infant car seats. Unfortunately, these safe arms can turn around to be the crashing force that causes much harm to the precious life you were so eager to protect.
In the long run, you will realize that there is no substitute for these expert-reviewed safety gadgets.
The Statistics: Research on road traffic accidents reveal that out of every 3 infant deaths resulting from car crashes, 1 is a child that was not using safety restraints like car seats. Further results show that the risk of fatal injury is reduced by 71% when using car seats as compared to not using them.
Which Infant Car Seat Best Suits My Child?
Choosing the right car seat is the first step in ensuring your child’s safety, but this might not be as easy as buying queen bed frames afterpay, especially for first buyers. You need to be keen and know what to buy, as the car seats come with specifications for age, weight and height.
For children below the age of 2 years, it’s best to use the rear-facing car seat. Putting your child in this direction helps to prevent their delicate spine from overstretching and getting hurt when the vehicle comes to a sudden stop.
For the ages above 2 years, it is safer for them to use the front-facing car seats or booster seats, for kids with heights above 5 foot. You can also decide to buy the convertible car seats which can be switched from the rear-facing to front-facing as your child grows.
Point to note: The car seat is only as safe as its installation. If not installed well, it would provide little to no protection to your child in the event of a collision. To avoid this, make sure you buy one that is easy to install; probably one that comes with color codes for installation. Read the manual well and always inspect the seat before embarking on your journey.