
Lost Your Policy Document? Get Yourself a Duplicate with These Easy Steps


Among the most important documents that you must keep safe is your insurance policy. There might be times when you act a little careless tend to misplace or even lose them. When you purchase a two-wheeler, the policy document that you receive has all the details mentioned about the plan you’ve selected, and there is a possibility of you losing it. You might’ve even searched for it several times but to no avail. You must know that the two-wheeler insurance policy is an important document that must be carried by you while riding the bike on roads.

Steps to get a Duplicate Insurance Policy Document:

The only solution left with you now is requesting the two wheelerinsurance policy provider to issue a duplicate insurance policy document. However, it is not as easy like it seems to get a duplicate copy of the document. You must follow a few necessary steps to apply for a duplicate document:

  1. Publish an advertisement

You can publish an advertisement about the same in the newspaper that is distributed in the region where your insurance policy went missing. Inside of this advertisement you can tell that you’ve lost your two-wheeler policy document and make an appeal that if anyone finds it, to please hand it over to you. You can fill in your address as well as contact details in the advertisement.

  1. Attain an indemnity bond

In the application for a duplicate insurance policy document, an indemnity bond is the last of the documents that you will require. It must be executed in favor of the insurance company on a non-judicial stamp paper and should be notarised.

  1. File a First Information Report (FIR)

Not every general insurance company will ask you to file an FIR with the police for your lost bike insurance policy document. But this step will help you to get a duplicate copy even more easily.

Read more: 5 Things You Should Do When Your Car Insurance Policy Lapses

Once you get a hold of the above-mentioned three documents, you can apply for a duplicate of your two-wheeler insurance policy. You must write an application that is addressed to your preferred insurance company and request them to issue the same. Check twice to see if you’re writing the correct policy number, type of insurance cover, name of the policyholder, and issuance date, in the application. Then, collect the FIR, the indemnity bond, and the advertisement issued in the newspaper, and attach them with the application. Keep the copies of the application safe with you for referring in the future. If the two-wheeler insurance policy is issued in a joint name, the application should be signed by both the joint policyholders.

Final Word

The policy document consists of all the important details regarding your insurance policy. It also mentions all the terms and conditions, along with the exclusions and inclusions, that must be thoroughly read by you. Just like carrying the driving license everywhere is necessary while riding/driving, similarly it is illegal to drive the bike without having a valid insurance policy. In case of an accident, when you have to file an motor insurance online claim, the document will be needed. If you’re caught riding your two-wheeler without one, penalties will be charged, or worse case is that you would end up in the jail.

Even if your policy lapses, do not roam around with the same, make sure you get it renewed on time. Do not remain absent-minded and misplace your insurance policy in the first place, as it is an important document, and save yourself from all the above-mentioned hassle. Even if you do, follow the steps mentioned in this article and you must receive a duplicate copy for your document.

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