
Knee pain: causes, diagnosis, treatment


For many people, joint pain is a common complaint. The most common pain in the knee joints. The first thing that a person needs to do is to turn to a specialist orthopaedic and traumatologist for help in a timely manner. The doctor should conduct an examination of the knee joint, diagnose and at least exclude pathology according to his profile or establish the correct diagnosis.

Why does knee pain occur?

One of the common causes is injury. The presence of trauma does not complicate the determination of the cause of pain in the knee, since the patient himself fixes the fact of damage, its moment and traumatic agent. At the time of the injury, the patient notes a blow to the knee, bruise, various types of injuries, unsuccessful movement (rotational, with load, when hitting the ball, etc.) and other various types of damage. Menisci of the knee joint are most often damaged., ligaments (collateral, cruciform), joint capsule, tendon fibres of muscles. There are injuries (fractures, concussions) of bone tissues (patella, condyles of the femur and tibia) and other knee elements. All this leads to acute pain at the time of the injury, there is also edema, subcutaneous hematoma, joint hemorrhage (hemarthrosis), movement restriction and loss of function. The degree of damage can be different, with the correct diagnosis, diagnosis and treatment tactics determined, for example – to operate the knee or not! For that you can buy tramadol hcl 50mg

Pain in the knees also often occurs with osteoarthritisif we talk about the knee, then with the so-called gonarthrotic. The disease is characterized by damage and destruction of cartilage, and as a result, bone tissue. Pain in the knee develops gradually, since the pathological process lasts for years. Reasons may include:

  • excessive load
  • excess weight,
  • damage,
  • arthritis,
  • violation of the blood supply to the lower limb,
  • innervation
  • metabolic processes
  • autoimmune diseases
  • and many others.

The patient feels pain in the knee during exercise, first with severe, and then with moderate. As a result, deformation, loss of function develops. A timely visit to a trauma orthopaedic surgeon will give a chance to suspend the destruction process and to avoid surgical joint replacement (total endoprosthetics).

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Knee pain can also be with arthritis Such diseases are characterized by inflammation of the anatomical elements. There is swelling, redness of the soft tissues around the joint, local temperature increase, impaired function. The causes of inflammation can be: environmental influences, metabolic disorders in the body (gout for example), autoimmune diseases – such as Arthritis pain in the knee requires a more detailed analysis by a specialist doctor, so the sooner the patient contacts, the easier it is to establish the correct diagnosis in time and avoid the serious consequences of this disease.

Knee pain treatment

The choice of tactics for treating knee pain depends on the diagnosed cause. This is the most effective and shortest way to solve the problem of knee pain. The knee joint has a clear list of specific anatomical formations that can cause pain.

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Joint pain usually occurs when one of these anatomical structures is injured or inflamed. Trauma, overload, features of the biomechanics of the joint, individual structural features, inflammation, etc. can provoke pain.

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