
Family lawyers help resolve disputes in NZ/AUS


Many individuals residing in New Zealand have family members and relatives living in Australia and vice versa. Hence when a person residing in New Zealand is interested in finding a lawyer for family law related matter, he will prefer to hire the services of a family lawyer who has practised in both New Zealand and Australia. This will ensure that the legal judgement obtained will be valid in both the countries and the person requiring legal help does not have to hire separate lawyers in multiple cou

Some of the most common family law cases are related to guardianship and custody of children. Usually when there is a divorce, both the parents want custody of their children or child. It is common for the court will grant the one parentday-to-day care of the child or children and ask the other parent to pay some maintenance. The liable parent also has the right to visit his children periodically. Usually there is a dispute between the divorced father and mother regarding the child support, care and visiting rights. The family lawyer will try to ensure that his clients get the child custody rights he or she is entitled to. The lawyer can also assist the family or individual in completing the legal formalities and paperwork for adoption of a child, so that there is no legal problem at a later date.

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With the divorce rates rapidly increasing in the last few decades, more couples who are planning to get marriedare aware that their marriage could fail at a later date due to a number of reasons. Hence they want to ensure that the assets which they earned or inherited before their marriage, remain safe. So couples are interested in finding a reliable family lawyer, who will safeguard their interests, and help in formulating a prenuptial agreement. In case of any kind of dispute or divorce at a later date, the couple will not have to waste their time and resources fighting over the terms of the divorce since all information is provided in prenuptial agreement.

However, most couples do not have a prenuptial agreement and in case of a divorce, there is usually some dispute about the terms of the settlement. In addition to child custody and maintenance, the couple who is getting divorced also has to decide the division of the assets, alimony and monthly payment. Since the wife has usually sacrificed her career to take care of the family, she is entitled to a periodic payment to take care of her expenses. The family lawyer will ensure that settlement terms are legally binding on the husband and wife being divorced, and the wife gets the compensation promised.

Many family prefer to control the assets of a family using a trust. In other cases, there may be claims against the estate of a deceased person. The family lawyer can help the family complete the legal paperwork for registering a trust, and ensure that the trust functions according to the plans of the family. Using the information and documents available, the family lawyer will also investigate the claims against the estate, and ensure that the matter is resolved fairly.

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