
Top 9 Web Development Trends of 2020


There are many web development trends that change from time to time. But among them the top 9 are as follows.

1) Node.js

The second position is for Node.js, the JavaScript runtime environment for the server side.

Node gives the language the possibility of developing backends, replacing languages ​​like Python, PHP, Ruby or Java; with the implicit advantage that it is the same language used on the frontend, allowing better communication with it.

It also has the NPM package manager, which is where practically all the service development libraries, preprocessors, testing, etc. are stored. So you have to have some basic knowledge.

2) Frontend Frameworks

In third place the Frontend Frameworks: React, Angular and Vue. These frameworks or development frameworks make our lives much easier when developing web apps with complete interfaces.

I personally like Vue for its ease of use, which makes it a perfect choice for independent developers or small businesses, but I recognize that React and Angular are more complete and used in the business environment. In essence, they serve the same purpose but each one has its peculiarities.

3) HTML, CSS and JavaScript

First and foremost, what you have to learn, yes or yes, are the basics of frontend web development: HTML and CSS to layout and design websites, and JavaScript to program customer interaction.

I am not discovering anything new for you, as all web development is based on these three technologies.

4) GraphQL

Fourth, I have decided on GraphQL. After testing it, I think that this query language for APIs developed by Facebook is on the way to becoming a standard and replacing the classic REST APIs that we know. It has never been easier to learn than now, you should give it a try.

5) JAMStack

In fifth position, a personal commitment to JAMStack, a modern development suite that consists of JavaScript to handle interaction with the user, the use of API for data sources and Markup to generate static content, which adds the long-awaited SEO.

The web apps created with this stack work 100% on the client side and can serve as PWA, they do not need specific configurations, they are very fast and cheap to host, and they usually make use of services such as Firebase for databases and authentication or Mailgun to send emails.

6) Web Components

In sixth place, the Web Components, a set of features that are being added by the W3C to HTML and DOM to allow creating reusable widgets and components on our web pages and compatible with most browsers.

One of the tools that facilitate the creation of web components is Stencil.

7) Hybrid applications

In seventh place, an interesting area, that of Hybrid Applications, is that today we can create mobile and desktop applications with web development technologies using tools such as Electron, Ionic, NativeScript or React Native.

8) Bots and AI development

And last but not least, an exciting topic that has been flourishing for a few years now, the development of Bots and Artificial Intelligence.

Today it is quite easy to create a bot for platforms like Discord and Telegram, I have developed some myself and I can assure you that they are quite fun to program. Beyond that though, Bots can help make decisions using AI, and that’s the tipping point.

Data analytics and machine learning are booming and more and more companies are offering such online services at affordable prices. It is an advanced area, but the potential is tremendous.

9) Bootstrap and application development

Bootstrap is a web framework or framework, created for the design and development of web sites and applications.

It is free software and one of the most popular projects hosted on GitHub.

It is widely used in many internet sites, due to the modern style and usability that it gives to the pages that use it.

You can either use Dashboard templates or Admin template to get a better idea of how to customize your dashboards while creating an app efficiently and cost effectively.

Bootstrap allows you to easily create web pages with a modern style and include various functionalities in them.

Several modules are available that make it easy to add bars, menus, widgets, buttons, tooltips, image viewers, and many other items.

The pages are completely adaptable for computers, the reverse of what is normal, because their design is based on the “mobile first” option.

Bootstrap is not only used to create sites, its library can be used to add many functionalities and effects to the pages, even if they do not use this web framework.

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In those cases, it is not necessary to link the CSS and JS style files, we can obtain the source code in the LESS files of the distribution package, although logically we must give the corresponding attribution.

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